Benefits Of Walking - فوائد المشي




      Walking is an activity, it is available to nearly everyone, it has remarkable health benefits for you, even if you don't exercise for a while.

     It is pretty easy for everyone to go for a walk,  we don't need heavy weight, or any gym instructor.

    walking regularly is a protection from many types of diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, heart attack, cancer, knee pain, blood clot & so on.

It should be our first priority to walk on daily basis to get healthy.

المشي نشاط، و هو متوفر لكل شخص تقريبا، و لديها عديد من فوائد صحية ملحوظة بالنسبة لك، وإن كنت لا تقوم بالرياضة البدنية حتى لا للحظة.

من السهل لكل شخص الخروج لنزهة، لا نحتاج إلى الوزن الثقيل، أو إلى أي مدرب خاص.

المشي بشكل مستمر هي حماية من عديد من أمراض شتى، مثل البدانة، و السكر، و النوبة القلبية، و السرطان، و ألم في الركبة، و جلطة دموية

يجب أن يكون من أولوياتنا المشي يوميا، لنكون صحيحا قويا

يرجى الاشتراك في الموقع بإدخال البريد الإلكتروني

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ريحان الندوي

Hello! We are professional I am Mohd Raihan Nadwi - Memorized Holy Qur'an by heart. - Graduation in Islamic Studies meanwhile learnt Arabic for 9 years - Graduation in Arabic Hons. - Diploma & Advance Diploma in Modern Arabic Language and Translation Experience: - 7 years of experience in Arabic language teaching along with English and Urdu languages, Also, I have been typing Arabic, English, editing videos, preparing content as PDF, PPTs, VIDEOS, RECORDINGS for students, for last 7 years. on the other hand 1: Arabic language teacher in Shaheen Public School 2: Found our own institution named as "Global Arabic Institution" 3: Arabic language training to the seniors of international company named as UFlex Ltd. 4: Arabic language teacher at Green Trees Public School 5: Currently Arabic Language Teacher and Video editor in Shaheen Group of Institutions College. Achievements: - Taught 5000+ students till now. - Certificate for Participation in "All India Educators Summit" at Shaheen Group of Institutions - Awarded a price for success in respect of providing "Arabic language training" to seniors of UFlex ltd.

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