Introductory level




75 hrs



Introductory is a course of foundation that teaches everyday how to read three and four-letter words, how to join those letters while writing, as well as the basic grammar. 

The course addresses all four language skills as Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, with a concentration on Speaking

What we learn:

The Arabic alphabet, with long and short vowels enable students to read three and four-letter words. Develop basic writing skills by joining letters; introduce the concept of big and small, long and short characters. introduce grammar, engage students in conversation about personal data, school life, family members etc. incorporate the use of educational games, stories and short essay.

- Daily vocabulary with English meaning

- Use of  هذا و ذلك This, That (Demonstrative pronouns), along with English vocabulary and translation as well as interrogative particles

-  معرفة و نكرة, Definite & Indefinite

- مؤنث و مذكر, Masculine & Feminine nouns 

- ضمير , Pronouns

- مبتدأ و خبر, Subject & Predicate briefly (informally)

- حروف الجر, Prepositions

- تركيب إضافي, Possessive composition

- تركيب توصيفي, Adjectival composition

- ضمير الإضافة, Possessive Pronouns


 Learning Outcomes:

By the end of Beginner, you will be able to:

- Use basic sentences

- Ask & reply in Arabic as well as in English

- Translate basic sentences even the verbal sentences translation

- Give & ask for directions

- Write short essays and articles (especially based on nominal sentences)

- Deliver their essays and articles as an orator (on practical basis)

- Possess lots of vocabulary in Arabic and English (in Urdu as well on demand)



We have 10 lessons for introductory level that will be held along with the grammar and practical activities

Please click on download button below and check the PDF



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