Arabic For Hospital


60 hrs



It is a course that Addresses Arabic within the contexts of social and medical processes. This course introduces communication on basic level, as well as basic grammar, pronunciation and recognition of Arabic sounds.


What we Provide:

- We provide daily vocabulary with regard to hospital

- Videos & recordings of the lessons

- Assistance to make call to ask about anything, anytime you want

- Practical discussion

- Daily PDF files for the vocabulary

- PDF files for discussion to take avail of it anywhere


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, you will be able to: 


Use common greetings and good byes

- Introduce yourself and others: give information on occupation, nationality and country of origin, family, such as “My name is ........ . I am a surgeon at .......... hospital. I am from Germany. I am single.

She is my assistant, she is also a nurse over here, her name is ........... , she belongs to.......  Etc.”

- Ask other for important information, such as: how are you? where are you from, Are you single or married? etc.

- Ask about health of the patient, Tell me, What problem do you have? Do you have pain, headache, stomachache in..... , Do you have appointment with Doctor ......,

Are you suffering from ....... etc.

-Ask about state of being, such as, Are you okay? How do you feel now? etc.

- Know the names of different body parts and use them

- Command politely such as, please sir have a seat here! You should take this medicine properly

- Describe actions with the verbs, such as; Would you like to have something to eat, Do you want to drink juice now



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