




80 hrs



Intermediate is the course teaches learners how to ask and answers fluently. It encourages learners to communicate, The course also addresses the reading and writing skills at the level higher than the introductory one.

Learners become more confident in communicating, listening power, reading and writing within different contexts.


What we learn:

First, we comprehend the content of previously covered material. 

Afterwards, we focus on communication and translation, as well as the interrogative sentences to make more creative while asking the questions.

Reading and writing skills with additional vocabulary. Furthermore, we learn telling the time, days of the week, reading sentences and short paragraphs. Grammar. Verb and noun conjugation with singular pronouns. Writing short paragraphs. Educational games, stories and essays.

- Daily vocabulary with English meaning

- ضمير, Pronouns

- جمع, Plural in Arabic

- مؤنث و مذكر, Masculine & Feminine nouns 

- الأفعال, Verbs

- عاقل و غير عاقل, Rational & Irrational

- مفرد و مثنى و مجموع , Singular, Dual & Plural

- الأعداد , Numbers

- الممنوع من الصرف, Diptote

- حالة الجر, Genitive case



 Learning Outcomes:

By the end of Beginner, you will be able to:

- Communicate with the sentences used on daily basis

Practical use of utensils and instruments

- Introduce oneself and others

- Read a little long essay in the classroom before the teachers and students

- Translate basic sentences even the verbal sentences translation

- External activities related to daily life and, hold dialogues during them

- Give & ask for directions on practical basis

- Use of the vocabulary of each lesson based on practical way

- Write short essays and articles (especially based on nominal & verbal sentences)

- Deliver their essays and articles as an orator (on practical basis)

- Possess lots of vocabulary in Arabic and English (in Urdu as well on demand)



We have 13 lessons for introductory level that will be held along with the grammar and practical activities

Please click on download button below and check the PDF

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