Daily Spoken Arabic English Vocabulary - المفردات المنطوقة يوميا باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية


Daily Spoken Arabic Vocabulary


الرَّجاء الصَّمْتُ


Al-rajaa al-samt

Please maintain silence

الرَّجَاء التَّشْغِيْلُ


Al-rajaa  al-tashgheel

Please turn on

الرَّجَاء الْإِيْقَافُ


Al-rajaa al-eeqaaf

Please turn off / park

الرَّجَاء الْاِسْتِعْمَالُ


Al-rajaa al-ist’imaal

Please use

الرَّجَاء الْمُسَاعَدَةُ


Al-rajaa al-musaa’adah 

Please help / assist

الرَّجَاء التَّمْرِيْرُ


Al-rajaa al-tamreer

Please pass / give

الرَّجَاء النَّظْرُ فِيْ


Al-rajaa al-nazr fee

Please look into








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ريحان الندوي

Hello! We are professional I am Mohd Raihan Nadwi - Memorized Holy Qur'an by heart. - Graduation in Islamic Studies meanwhile learnt Arabic for 9 years - Graduation in Arabic Hons. - Diploma & Advance Diploma in Modern Arabic Language and Translation Experience: - 7 years of experience in Arabic language teaching along with English and Urdu languages, Also, I have been typing Arabic, English, editing videos, preparing content as PDF, PPTs, VIDEOS, RECORDINGS for students, for last 7 years. on the other hand 1: Arabic language teacher in Shaheen Public School 2: Found our own institution named as "Global Arabic Institution" 3: Arabic language training to the seniors of international company named as UFlex Ltd. 4: Arabic language teacher at Green Trees Public School 5: Currently Arabic Language Teacher and Video editor in Shaheen Group of Institutions College. Achievements: - Taught 5000+ students till now. - Certificate for Participation in "All India Educators Summit" at Shaheen Group of Institutions - Awarded a price for success in respect of providing "Arabic language training" to seniors of UFlex ltd.

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