Greetings and Good byes etc. التَّحِيَّاتُ وَ الْوَدَاعَات، إلخ

 Greetings and Good byes etc.

التَّحِيَّاتُ وَ الوَدَاعات، إلخ

 صَبَاحَ الْخَيْرِ                                   Good morning                               sabaah-al-khair    

صَبَاحَ النُّوْرِ                                      Good morning (in reply)                 sabaa-an-noor  

مَسَاءَ الْخَيْرِ                                     Good evening                                 masaa-al-khair

مَسَاءَ النُّوْرِ                                     Good evening (in reply)                   masaa-an-noor

لَيْلَةً سَعِيْدَةً                                      Good night                                    lailah sa'eedah

تُصْبِحُ عَلَى خَيْرٍ                         Good night                                   tusbih (u) 'alaa khair

طَابَ يَوْمُكَ                             Have a nice day                             taaba yaumuk (a) (i)

مَرْحَبًا                                              Hello / Hi                                     marhaba (n)

أَهْلًا وَ سَهْلًا                           Welcome / Hi (in reply)                 ahla (n) wa sahla (n) 

مَا اسْمُكَ                                       What is your name                         masmuk (a) (i) 

اِسْمِيْ رَيْحَان                                     My name is Raihan                         Ism-ee Raihan

وَ مَا اسْمُكَ                               And what is your name                    wa masmuk (a) (i)

اِسْمِيْ .........                                   ...........  My name is .........                           ism-ee

كَيْفَ حَالُكَ                              How are you                                  kaifa haaluk (a) (i)

أَنَا بِخَيْرٍ تَمَامًا                    I am pretty fine                              ana bi-khair tamaama (n)

وَ كَيْفَ حَالُكَ                       And how are you                            wa kaifa haaluk (a) (i)

أَنَا بِخَيْرٍ أَيْضًا                            I am also fine                                  ana bi-khair aidhan

مِنْ أَيْنَ أَنْت                             Where are you from                        min aina ant (a) (i)

أَنَا مِنَ الْهِنْدِ                                 I am from India                              ana min-al-Hind

وَ أَنْتَ؟                                         And you?                                       wa ant (a) (i)

وَ أَنَا كَذلِكَ                                  Me too                                           wa ana kazaalik

سَعِيْدٌ بِلِقَائِك                        Nice to meet you                             sa'eed (un) bi-liqaa-ik

مَعَ السَّلَامَةِ                                    Good bye                                        ma'asslaamah

إِلَى اللِّقَاءِ                                              See you                                           ilal liqaa

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ريحان الندوي

Hello! We are professional I am Mohd Raihan Nadwi - Memorized Holy Qur'an by heart. - Graduation in Islamic Studies meanwhile learnt Arabic for 9 years - Graduation in Arabic Hons. - Diploma & Advance Diploma in Modern Arabic Language and Translation Experience: - 7 years of experience in Arabic language teaching along with English and Urdu languages, Also, I have been typing Arabic, English, editing videos, preparing content as PDF, PPTs, VIDEOS, RECORDINGS for students, for last 7 years. on the other hand 1: Arabic language teacher in Shaheen Public School 2: Found our own institution named as "Global Arabic Institution" 3: Arabic language training to the seniors of international company named as UFlex Ltd. 4: Arabic language teacher at Green Trees Public School 5: Currently Arabic Language Teacher and Video editor in Shaheen Group of Institutions College. Achievements: - Taught 5000+ students till now. - Certificate for Participation in "All India Educators Summit" at Shaheen Group of Institutions - Awarded a price for success in respect of providing "Arabic language training" to seniors of UFlex ltd.

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